A Peek at our annual Pop Up Caravan

This past weekend in April, we hosted our annual Pop Up Caravan event at our brick and mortar location in Huntsville, Alabama. It was such a sweet weekend of collaborating and celebrating with local makers and business owners from our community.

Thank you to everyone that was able to come out and support us!

Did you know that we've been hosting the Pop Up Caravan since 2014? Yep, that's right. This is our NINTH year curating local artists, makers, and business owners together for a fun pop up market here in Huntsville, Alabama. 

I came up with the idea when I started my first company, and needed somewhere to sell my curated global goods. My products didn't fit at farmer's market or even craft markets - they were more high end and needed a retail type setting. So I decided to create my own space with the Pop Up Caravan event! The first event was hosted on the back porch of my home (I lived downtown in an amazing historic home), and we set it up like a retail shop with furniture display pieces, funky art installations, etc. IT WAS A HIT! 

Why "CARAVAN" you ask?

If you haven't noticed, I'm obsessed with textiles and handicrafts and I enjoy studying about the Silk Road and other trade routes used in ancient times.

Caravans are groups of people traveling together, often for trade purposes to sell their wares. 

When I was thinking of a name for the pop up market event, I felt like caravan perfectly described what I wanted to accomplish - group of people coming together to sell their beautiful wares and build community on our life journey. 

I think we've accomplished just that! If you missed the Pop Up Caravan last weekend, here's a peek at our friendor's you missed. 

Click on each image to learn more about each vendor!

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